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Domestic violence perpetrator treatment (Non-Duluth models)

Adult Criminal Justice
  Literature review updated August 2014.
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This meta-analysis evaluates several approaches to group treatment for domestic violence offenders. None of these programs used the Duluth-based model of domestic violence perpetrator treatment, which were analyzed separately. The included studies each tested one of several approaches:
• Cognitive-behavior, focus on relationships, communication, and empathy;
• Couples group therapy;
• Relationship enhancement therapy (men’s group treatment); or
• Substance abuse group treatment, adapted for domestic violence offenders.

Participants in these studies received between two and six months of treatment.

Meta-analysis is a statistical method to combine the results from separate studies on a program, policy, or topic in order to estimate its effect on an outcome. WSIPP systematically evaluates all credible evaluations we can locate on each topic. The outcomes measured are the types of program impacts that were measured in the research literature (for example, crime or educational attainment). Treatment N represents the total number of individuals or units in the treatment group across the included studies.

An effect size (ES) is a standard metric that summarizes the degree to which a program or policy affects a measured outcome. If the effect size is positive, the outcome increases. If the effect size is negative, the outcome decreases. See Estimating Program Effects Using Effect Sizes for additional information.

Adjusted effect sizes are used to calculate the benefits from our benefit cost model. WSIPP may adjust effect sizes based on methodological characteristics of the study. For example, we may adjust effect sizes when a study has a weak research design or when the program developer is involved in the research. The magnitude of these adjustments varies depending on the topic area.

WSIPP may also adjust the second ES measurement. Research shows the magnitude of some effect sizes decrease over time. For those effect sizes, we estimate outcome-based adjustments which we apply between the first time ES is estimated and the second time ES is estimated. We also report the unadjusted effect size to show the effect sizes before any adjustments have been made. More details about these adjustments can be found in our Technical Documentation.

Meta-Analysis of Program Effects
Outcomes measured No. of effect sizes Treatment N Adjusted effect size(ES) and standard error(SE) Unadjusted effect size (random effects model)
ES SE Age ES p-value
30 6 560 -0.071 0.085 32 -0.173 0.046
30 7 713 -0.064 0.078 32 -0.158 0.045
30 1 38 -0.026 0.231 30 -0.072 0.756
30 1 38 0.109 0.231 30 0.300 0.197

Citations Used in the Meta-Analysis

Chen, H., Bersani, C., Myers, S.C., & Denton, R. (1989). Evaluating the effectiveness of a court sponsored abuser treatment program. Journal of Family Violence, 4(4), 309-322.

Dunford, F.W. (2000). The San Diego navy experiment: An assessment of interventions for men who assault their wives. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68(3), 468-476.

Easton, C.J., Mandel, D.L., Hunkele, K.A., Nich, C., Rounsaville, B.J., & Carroll, K.M. (2007). A cognitive behavioral therapy for alcohol-dependent domestic violence offenders: An integrated substance abuse-domestic violence treatment approach (SADV). American Journal on Addictions, 16(1), 24-31.

Palmer, S.E., Brown, R.A., & Maru, B.E. (1992). Group treatment program for abusive husbands: Long-term evaluation. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 62(2), 276-283.

Waldo, M. (1998). Relationship enhancement counseling groups for wife abusers. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 10(1), 37-45.