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Washington State Institute for Public Policy

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Search Results

Found 145 results

Female Sex Offenders in Washington State

Open Publication PDF

Lin Song, Roxanne Lieb, Sheila Donnelly - October 1993

This report reviews the literature regarding female sex offenders, and examines the characteristics of convicted female sex offenders in Washington State. Research literature indicates that the prevalence of sex offenses committed by females is relatively low, partly because of underreporting.


Recidivism: The Effect of Incarceration and Length of Time Served

Open Publication PDF

Lin Song, Roxanne Lieb - September 1993

The effect of prison or jail sentences on recidivism is an important issue to those concerned with public safety and the cost-effectiveness of putting convicted offenders in prison. This paper summarizes theories and empirical studies on the effect of sentencing on recidivism. Study findings indicate that for some offenders, incarceration and longer confinement seem to increase the risk of recidivism. For other offenders, the likelihood of re-offense will either be unaffected or reduced by longer terms of incarceration. Furthermore, early-release programs do not appear to affect overall recidivism rates.


Washington State Sex Offenders: Costs of Sentencing Options

Open Publication PDF

Roxanne Lieb, Hal Scogin, Greg Weeks - February 1993

Policy debates regarding sentencing for sex offenders frequently focus on recidivism rates and treatment techniques. This paper addresses the financial aspects of sentencing, comparing the costs of three sentencing options in Washington State.


The Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative: A Study of Decision-Making and Recidivism

Open Publication PDF

Lucy Berliner, Lisa Miller, Donna Schram, Cheryl Milloy - June 1991

This study identified demographic, offense, and criminal justice system factors that contribute to the decision to grant Washington State's Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative (SSOSA) to certain eligible sex offenders and not to others who are eligible. Comparative rates of recidivism (rearrest and reconviction) for those who did and did not receive this sentence option were also analyzed.


Adult Sex Offender Registration in Washington State: Initial Compliance, 1990

Open Publication PDF

Barbara Felver, Roxanne Lieb - January 1991

This report examines early compliance of adult sex offenders with a new registration requirement enacted as part of the Community Protection Act of 1990 (Chapter 3, Laws of 1990). The analysis compared Washington State Patrol records of registered adult sex offenders as of November 9, 1990, with records of sex offenders released from correctional or mental health institutions, or sentenced to supervision, on or after the effective date of the law.
