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Washington State Institute for Public Policy

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Found 632 results

The Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative: A Study of Decision-Making and Recidivism

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Lucy Berliner, Lisa Miller, Donna Schram, Cheryl Milloy - June 1991

This study identified demographic, offense, and criminal justice system factors that contribute to the decision to grant Washington State's Special Sex Offender Sentencing Alternative (SSOSA) to certain eligible sex offenders and not to others who are eligible. Comparative rates of recidivism (rearrest and reconviction) for those who did and did not receive this sentence option were also analyzed.


Leaving Public Assistance in Washington State

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Greg Weeks - April 1991

Many factors contribute to the processes by which women in Washington State leave public assistance. Longitudinal data from the Family Income Study provide information on the patterns of public assistance use and the reasons why women leave public assistance.


Washington State Public Works' Procurement: Existing Statutes Versus Modern Practices

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Steven Goldblatt - February 1991


Adult Sex Offender Registration in Washington State: Initial Compliance, 1990

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Barbara Felver, Roxanne Lieb - January 1991

This report examines early compliance of adult sex offenders with a new registration requirement enacted as part of the Community Protection Act of 1990 (Chapter 3, Laws of 1990). The analysis compared Washington State Patrol records of registered adult sex offenders as of November 9, 1990, with records of sex offenders released from correctional or mental health institutions, or sentenced to supervision, on or after the effective date of the law.


Becoming Poor: The Dynamics of Female Poverty in Washington State

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Jian Cao, Ernst Stromsdorfer, Greg Weeks - December 1990

This report examines the dynamics of poverty for women in Washington State. Data from the Family Income Study are used to investigate why women become poor, why some stay poor, and what allows some to escape poverty altogether.


Women, Work and Public Assistance

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Jian Cao, Ernst Stromsdorfer, Greg Weeks - November 1990

This paper looks at the process of entering employment for women who are on public assistance or who are at risk of receiving public assistance. Family Income Study data were used to investigate the labor market status and movement between different labor market states for the two sample groups.


Alternative Onsite Sewage Disposal Technology: A Review

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Richard Siddoway - January 1988

In 1988, nearly 30 percent of the homes in Washington depended on onsite wastewater treatment and disposal. It was estimated that up to one-half of all septic systems did not perform satisfactorily, or fail entirely within their expected life. This study discusses research on alternative onsite sewage disposal technologies and alternative onsite policy in Washington State.


Regional Long Waves of Economic Development: Trends in the Washington Economy

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Douglas Booth - May 1987

Like national and world economies, a regional economy goes through long waves of economic activity. Specifically, a region will experience a relatively lengthy period of economic growth close to or above the national rate followed by a relatively lengthy period of economic growth below the national rate. This research applies a regional long wave theory of economic development to the Washington State economy to explain recent changes in its structure and rate of growth and to predict its probably future course.


Increasing Higher Education's Contribution to Economic Development in Washington

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William Zumeta, Dean Stephens - December 1986

This report analyzes the relationship between higher education and economic development and discusses ways in which the contributions of higher education to Washington’s economy can be increased.


Possible Alternative Uses of UI Trust Funds: A Survey of Recent State Initiatives

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Duane Leigh - October 1986

This report surveys the reemployment initiatives currently in place in about a dozen states. Since these state programs do not occur in a vacuum, also reviewed are relevant federal programs and demonstration projects, as well as selected foreign government initiatives. These initiatives tend to fall into the following categories: (1) enhanced job search assistance, (2) classroom training, (3) on-the-job training and wage subsidies, (4) relocation allowances, (5) reemployment bonuses, and (6) self-employment programs.
