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Found 626 results

The Community Juvenile Accountability Act: Research-Proven Interventions for the Juvenile Courts

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Robert Barnoski - January 1999

The 1997 Washington State Legislature significantly altered this state’s juvenile offender sentencing laws and intervention policies (E2SHB 3900). One portion of the legislation established the Community Juvenile Accountability Act (CJAA). The Act changed the way some local court programs are funded—only programs shown to reduce recidivism cost-effectively are funded under the CJAA. In the Act, the Institute was charged with measuring whether the CJAA programs cost-effectively reduce recidivism in Washington State.


Higher Education Students' Off-Campus Work Patterns

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Edie Harding, Laura Harmon - January 1999

During the 1998 session, legislators examined the Washington State Need Grant program and the increasing loan debts of students in higher education institutions. As a next step to understanding how students pay for college, the Washington State Institute for Public Policy was directed to compile information on students who worked while enrolled in a post-secondary institution. This study is the first comprehensive look at reviewing the off-campus employment status of students attending colleges and universities across the state.


Community Networks: Progress Toward Measuring Results

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Kay Knapp - January 1999

This review examined ten community networks to gauge their understanding of the outcome measurement approach and legislative expectations.  The interviews revealed substantial progress by the networks in defining and measuring results connected to community projects.  By legislative direction, the networks are expected to focus on prevention with respect to violence, especially youth violence.  Preventative efforts take time to show their effects; thus, the Legislature directed that an external evaluation of the networks and their programs occur after five years of network operation.  The Legislature assigned the Washington State Institute for Public Policy to conduct this evaluation. 


Community Facilities for Juvenile Offenders in Washington State

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Christopher Murray - December 1998

This report examines the operation and security procedures in the state Juvenile Rehabilitation Administration (JRA) community facilities. A review of the recidivism rates of certain juvenile offenders and an analysis of various models for Community Oversight Committees is also provided. A related technical appendix on individual facility procedures is available by request.


Juvenile Detention Standards in Washington State

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Christopher Murray, M. M. Bell, William Collins - December 1998

The 1998 Washington State Legislature directed the Washington State Institute for Public Policy to address several tasks regarding standards in juvenile detention facilities. This report analyzes standards in existing facilities, looks at compliance with recommended national guidelines, and identifies areas for improvement.


Citizen Review Panels: An Opportunity to Improve Child Protection?

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William Collins - December 1998

The 1998 Legislature directed this study of citizen review panels for child protection.  The Legislature determined that it is "critically important to the basic nurture, health and safety of children that the state examine a state wide program relating to child abuse and neglect that includes citizen review panels" as required by federal law.  This study addresses: 1) potential barriers to citizen review panels obtaining access to information necessary for them to meet their obligations, 2) current Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) committees relating to children, and 3) issues relating to the creation of review panels. 


Validation of the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment: Interim Report

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Robert Barnoski - November 1998

This report describes the results of an interim validation study. In collaboration with juvenile court professionals, the Institute developed a comprehensive risk assessment, the Washington State Juvenile Court Assessment (WSJCA), as specified in the 1997 Community Juvenile Accountability Act. For the courts to have confidence in the WSJCA, the risk level classification from the pre-screen needed to be validated for juvenile offenders in Washington State. Validating the pre-screen means determining how well it predicts recidivism rates for groups of youth. Adequately measuring recidivism requires selecting a representative cohort of youth rated on the assessment, and then waiting 2 1/2 years to measure their recidivism.


Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children in Washington State: A Review of Effectiveness

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Lucy Berliner, Monica Fitzgerald - November 1998

The 1997 session of the Washington State Legislature funded an evaluation of court-appointed special advocates/guardians ad litem (CASA/GALs).  Volunteer CASA advocates operate in 22 of the state's 32 court jurisdictions, investigating and representing the dependent child's perspective in family court.  This evaluation determines the effectiveness of the CASA/GAL program in improving outcomes for dependent children, and examines cost-effectiveness. 


Interpreting the Decline in Washington State's Welfare Caseload

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Mason Burley, Steve Lerch, Jim Mayfield - November 1998

In 1997, the Washington Legislature passed legislation creating WorkFirst, Washington’s welfare reform program and directs the Department of Social and Health Services to “implement strategies that will cause the number of(welfare) cases in the program to decrease by at least fifteen percent during the 1997-99 biennium and by at least five percent in the subsequent biennium.” Washington’s welfare caseload has decreased by 20% since the enactment of WorkFirst, although some of this decrease is due to factors other than the change in state welfare policy. This report discusses the factors that lead to declines in the welfare caseload and describes the focus of the legislatively directed evaluation of WorkFirst. It is provided as a supplement to the JLARC's November 1998 report of the implementation of WorkFirst around the state.


Sexual Predator Commitment Laws in the United States: 1998 Update

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Roxanne Lieb, Scott Matson - September 1998

As of 1998, twelve states had statutes authorizing the confinement and treatment of highly dangerous sex offenders following completion of their criminal sentence: Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin. This report describes sexual predator laws and compares several of their key provisions.
