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Found 1 results

Updated Inventory of Evidence-Based and Research-Based Practices: Washington’s K–12 Learning Assistance Program

Open Publication PDF

Julia Cramer, Paige Wanner - June 2020

Washington State provides funding to school districts to help students who score below grade-level standards in English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics through the Learning Assistance Program (LAP). Districts can use the funding for a variety of activities to support students including tutoring, extended learning time, educator professional development, and family engagement to name a few examples.

The 2013 Washington State Legislature directed the Washington State Institute for Public Policy (WSIPP) to develop an inventory of evidence-based, research-based, and promising programs and practices for use by school districts in LAP. WSIPP was directed to update the inventory every two years thereafter. This report is the fifth update to the inventory and describes our standard process for evaluating and classifying programs, adding new programs to the inventory, and reasons why program classifications may change over time. We also identify several programs that are relevant to teaching and learning in a remote environment during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), although that was not the focus of this update. Overall, for this 2020 update, we reviewed 18 programs, added two new programs to the inventory, and reclassified five programs included in previous inventory iterations.

Find previous versions of the LAP inventory with the following links: fourth update, third update, second update, first update, and initial report.
