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Washington State Institute for Public Policy
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Search Results

Found 777 results:

2 web pages

17 current projects

624 publications (perform this search on the Publications page)

134 benefit cost results (perform this search on the Benefit Cost page)

Tuition sticker price increase at 2-year college (for high school students and graduates)

...studies included in this meta-analysis estimate the effects of a change in the price of tuition at 2-year colleges on students’ college outcomes, including the likelihood that a student will enroll in college. results are presented as “elasticities” and are interpreted as the percent change in an outcome we expect from a 1% increase in tuition price. this meta-analysis includes only studies that examine tuition price without subtracting federal pell grants from full price values. in addition, this meta-analysis includes only studies that use individual-level data in their analyses. results of group-level analyses can differ from the results of analyses of the individuals within the same groups. the studies in this meta-analysis evaluate the effects of a tuition price increase for students who are still attending high school or have recently graduated high school and have not yet enrolled in college....

Sexual Abuse Family Education and Treatment Program (SAFE-T) for court-involved youth convicted of a sex offense

...sexual abuse family education and treatment program (safe-t) is a community-based treatment program that provides sexual abuse specific assessment, treatment, and support. this analysis is on safe-t for adolescents who have sexually offended. safe-t has multiple goals and aims to discourage sex offending, improve social skills, encourage appropriate anger expression, and improve trust. safe-t begins with a comprehensive assessment which informs an individually tailored treatment plan for the youth and their family. the treatment plan varies depending on participants’ needs but typically includes a combination of concurrent individual, family, and group-based therapies. participants in the included study received an average of 18 months of treatment, including an average of 10 months of group therapy and 11 months of family therapy (often concurrently). the included study did not report the race/ethnicity of participants; 6% of participants were female. participants in the comparison group received usual treatment services for youth with sex offenses, which included some participation in group therapies and milieu treatment approaches....

Cost sharing: (a) High-Deductible Health Plans (moderate to high deductibles, with and without HRAs or HSAs), general patient population

...these results are for high-deductible health plans (hdhps) versus traditional plans. these plans have moderate to high deductibles (at least a $500 individual deductible). they may or may not include health reimbursement arrangements (hra) or a health savings account (hsa). preventive services include cancer screening (breast, cervical, colorectal), preventive office visits, and preventive lab tests. the medication adherence effect size is for eight drug classes used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other chronic conditions. the effect is for hdhps where prescription drug costs are subject to the deductible....

Cost sharing: (e) High-Deductible Health Plans with higher deductibles (individual > $1000) and HRA accounts, general patient population

...evaluations of health care policies and programs often measure two broad types of outcomes: (1) those that reflect the health status of people (e.g., disease incidence) and (2) those that reflect health care system costs and utilization. cost and utilization measures may or may not be an indication of health status or well-being. these results are for high-deductible health plans (hdhps) versus traditional plans. in this case, the hdhps have individual deductibles of at least $1000 and health reimbursement arrangements (hra) are provided....

Cost sharing: (f) High-Deductible Health Plans with higher deductibles (individual > $1000) and HSA accounts, general patient population

...evaluations of health care policies and programs often measure two broad types of outcomes: (1) those that reflect the health status of people (e.g., disease incidence) and (2) those that reflect health care system costs and utilization. cost and utilization measures may or may not be an indication of health status or well-being. these results are for high-deductible health plans (hdhps) versus traditional plans. in this case, the hdhps have individual deductibles are at least $1000 and health savings accounts (hsa) are offered....

Teen Marijuana Check-Up (TMCU)

...teen marijuana check-up (tmcu) is a brief, school-based intervention for youth meeting diagnostic criteria for cannabis use disorder. youth are introduced to the program via classroom presentations, and those who report an interest in the program and are concerned with reducing cannabis use are screened for eligibility. participants receive two 45- to 60-minute motivational enhancement therapy (met) interviews one and two weeks after a youth is accepted to participate. these interviews are provided by counselors trained in the “no pressure to change” philosophy of the tmcu program. the intervention is provided during the school day without parental involvement. four optional sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy are offered to both tmcu participants and participants in the comparison group for those interested in the cessation of their cannabis use....

Parenting programs (for incarcerated parents)

...the goal of parenting programs is to help incarcerated parents acquire skills to increase efficacy of parenting, increase parental confidence and satisfaction, and reduce stress associated with parenting during incarceration. these programs teach parents about child development techniques for managing child behavior. parents are assisted with strategies to communicate effectively with their children given the unique circumstances. visitation is an important component of the program, which can include didactic instruction (learning through experience/teaching) while supervised by a program instructor. programs vary in length; they typically last two to three months. this meta-analysis includes studies of parenting programs for incarcerated mothers and fathers. the interventions include filial therapy—family-focused play therapyand systematic training for effective parenting (step). studies in this meta-analysis did not report recidivism as an outcome measure; however, they did report a variety of parenting measures, including parental stress, satisfaction, empathy, acceptance, and locus of control. we combined all of these measures into a broad “parenting success” outcome for each study. a positive effect size indicates improvement in one or more of these parenting measures, on average. ...